Coffee and E-mails…
This last few weeks I have received a whole lot of e-mails. These e-mails are not all the I hate you and Russia type of e-mails. Some of these e-mails are a change from that, but yes I do get the I hate you and die e-mails also…
The new e-mails have to do with, are there job opportunities in Russia? They are about what is happening in the USA. Unemployment is running out. This is the case in 6 e-mails and I have been told that they have been on Unemployment a year or more. I have e-mails also that express that they need to get out of a country that seems to be in a downward spiral…
I will not go into details because many of these e-mails are from friends that I would never embarrass in the least. Many more are from people I do not know and they are just grasping at straws. I would and will help if I am able. I will be answering some of those e-mails in the next few days and I will help anyone the best I can. If you show up in Russia because you went a little crazy and threw everything into the wind! I will be glad to at least find you at the airport, because the taxi drivers will drive you crazy…
I really hate to see that people are struggling bad enough that they have allowed the thought to cross their mind to leave America if the work is available somewhere else…
I did not leave America for a job. I left because I found someone who really cares about me, myself and I and I care the same back to her…
Russia is not a magic bullet of job security and the world here will leave you at a lessor level than you are use too. But that is OK with me because I am not a person who cares about material items to the extent that many people I know in America do…
The one area that seems to be available for English speaking people is teaching English. If you have the proper credentials then believe you me the jobs are here and there are many of them. Even for people who are just native speakers the jobs are here under the table so to speak…
Example is that we have had at least 4 English schools open up near where we live. This has happened in the last few months. The schools are packed and overflowing with students and teachers are few and far between…
Teaching English is not a piece of cake and I have done a little of it. I have many people that ask me to teach them English, once they find out that I am from America. It is a time consuming occupation and you have to have tons of patience. Many Russians have some English from their years in school and all you have to do is unlock those memories…
I am going to expound a little more on the English topic.
Ukraine, Russia and Georgia are in the middle of a huge English push. Russia less then Ukraine and Georgia. But Russia is starting to see a new need, that is growing because of their Silicon Vally Project…
Georgia and Ukraine have put out to the medias that they need thousands of teachers. They are making a huge push away from the Russian language and need the English teachers. This last trip to Ukraine brought me face to face with the prospect of Ukraine needing thousands of teachers to teach their doctors, lawyers, police and government officials. In fact the need is almost to the point of please we need teachers to learn English. Georgia has for a year now been doing the same and Georgia due to there issues lately have struggled to get any teachers of English to go there. Especially Native speakers…
What about other than English? Well the world is wide open. Russia is looking for the people to work at the Skolkovo Innovation Center and that is huge. Scientist, Engineers, Mathematicians, Computer Tech and so on and so on. Russia is a huge wealth of need as long as you are trained and can meet those needs. A person with a college (University) degree would do well in Russia…
Ukraine has abundant openings for web design, consultation and financial marketing. Ukraine is starting to get over being weaned off of America money and has started to stand on her own two feet again…
I want to end with these last few words. Yes the jobs are on this side of the world if you have what it takes to do those jobs. But it is more than a job. It is a whole new way of life and what I see as a downfall is that people come to Russia from America and or Britain (etc) and they cannot let go of the old. They find that life is squat toilets, no ice cubes, no Christmas, no Thanksgiving, trains, no air conditioners, no fans, no hot water three weeks a year (or no hot water at all in some towns), mass transit rules the road, Russians are some of the worse drivers in the universe, Russian do not smile, the Russian language is hard and etc etc etc etc etc…
They never get past the superficial things. So that means they are not capable of enjoying life on this side of the world…
Windows to Russia!
- Russia – Georgia: World “Wake up and Smell The Coffee!” (
- Pickpocket: We All Think That It Will Never Happen To Us! (Part 3 – American Embassy Experience) (
- About Us! (
- Windows to Russia will be in Kiev, Ukraine… (
- Ukraine Was Beautiful and Fun… (
- Russia: As The Winds Do Change! (Part 5) (
- From Windows to Russia: Ukraine and Her Lies on the Gas Issue! (
- Russia: Ukraine will return the Gas it has been Stealing! (
- Come to Russia you can Read Some of the Signs! (
- Sveta Drinks Tea and I Drink Coffee… (
- Thoughts by Coffee in Russia… (
- Thoughts from Russia with Coffee… (
- Coffee Thinking’s in Russia… (
- Coffee Thoughts in Russia… (
- Russia and WikiLeaks… (
- Russia: The Ruble is Smiling Again! (
- Russian Tunnel: What A Great Idea! (
- Russia: USA Has Crossed The Red Line Already! (