Fifty nine percent of Russians believe the ideal president should be a wise politician and “father of the nation,” while 35 percent look for a modern effective manager, the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center reported on Wednesday after conducting a poll.
The response showed opinions have diverged since 2007, when in a similar poll 48 percent said they approved a “father of the nation” and 42 percent favored a “modern manager.”
Elderly Russians and poorer people tend toward a “father of the nation,” whilst the young and wealthy prefer an “effective manager,” the poll showed.
A“father of the nation” was favored by 68 percent of Communist Party supporters, 66 percent of A Just Russia supporters, as well as residents of medium-sized towns and villages (64 percent). The Liberal Democratic Party supporters (46 percent), non-parliamentary parties (51 percent) and residents of large cities (43-44 percent) prefer a modern manager to be in charge.
The poll was held on May 12-13 in 138 settlements in 46 regions and republics of Russia.