Irate Urals Man ‘Felt Better’ After Smashing Rail Signals

MOSCOW, December 25 (RIA Novosti) – A resident of the southern Urals city of Orsk admitted smashing ten railway signaling semaphores, saying he was driven to it over noise from the railroad depot near his house, the regional transport police said on Tuesday.

The 27-year-old man, who has served prison time for murder, managed to knock out ten semaphores in about two weeks before being detained by transport police.

“The detainee said noise from the railway depot just outside his home made it impossible for him to relax. When he couldn’t take it any more, he would grab a hammer, walk over to the railroad and smash the glass lenses of the railway signals. It made him feel better,” the transport police department of the Urals Federal District said in a statement.

Under the Russian Administrative Code, the man was penalized for “actions that threaten railway traffic safety.”


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