This morning I did not get to walk the dog. Sveta took him for a walk before she took off for the day to the Gazprombank. As I said a few days ago that I am feeling rough and at that time had to take a nitro to get going for the day. I have had to take several more nitros since then during the evening times and in respect to that I have stayed calmer than usual. But in all honesty I am feeling a lot better than a few days ago. But Sveta still took the dog on his walk this morning and made me stay inside…
Now that brings me to my coffee and pondering…
I am pleasantly surprised with the uCan-Post program. I have woke up most mornings since starting the program and found one or two posts that are waiting to be looked over and posted. This is fantastic and so far 75% of the posts are worth posting. They are real posts and not a ranting spam. An example is that today I received three posts. Two of them are great but one was full of spitefulness and hate for Russia, with every other word a cuss word. Looks like to get the good out of the system, I will have to tolerate some trash…
Now I was also thinking about some advancements that Russia is making in the train travel department. One is the makings of a high speed rail between Kiev, Ukraine and Moscow, Russia seems to be in the works. Also the high speed rail that is working between Helsinki, Finland and St. Petersburg, Russia. These rails will travel at least 220km per hour and make the trip to adjoining countries a lot more fun. Sveta and I are talking about the rail to Helsinki and trying that out real soon…
Speaking of travel and St Petersburg: A high-speed motorway from Moscow to St. Petersburg will cross the Khimki Forest. This has been finalized and will become a fact after all the hoopla that has been going on about it. I find it interesting that this planned roadway is still on the original path even though this was one of the big issues used against the Old Moscow Mayor to fire him. He staunchly stood up for the path of the road to transverse the Khimki Forest. He had said that was the best rout and nothing else will do. He was basically used as a scapegoat over the path of the new road. Guess what? They are still using the route that he said was the best…
Next lets touch on the subject of NATO and Russia. Wikileaks had let out a cable that contradicted what NATO was wining and dining Russia about. NATO was being so sweet to Russia that Russia had to have know that they were speaking with a forked tongue. Well after the cable leaked, Russia wanted an explanation is the cable true or not? Since at the NATO-Russia summit in Lisbon very recently. NATO talked all nice with Russia. During this nice talk behind Russia’s back, they signed agreements to defend Poland and the Baltic states against Russia while Russia was being courted in the same meeting. NATO took a few days and thought about the implications of the “Hand caught in the Cookie Jar” issue. They finally decided the best thing would be a semblance of the truth. “The Alliance intends to protect them from possible Russian attacks.” implies Director of the NATO Information Center in Moscow Robert Pszczel.
Last thought while sipping my coffee is about Ukraine getting into the tourist business over the Chernobyl accident area. I knew about some private groups doing tours of the nuclear plant site but it seems that Ukraine was not involved in the situation. Now Ukraine is making it an official tourist site with controlled tours of the area. “Ukraine officials will open up the sealed zone which extends for a 30-mile radius around the Chernobyl plant, and guides will offer tours which would avoid contaminated areas while taking in the main sights, including the abandoned town of Pripyat.”
Well that is it for the thinking’s. The coffee is gone and it is time to get to work…
Windows to Russia!
- Coffee, IBM, Gazprom, Shipping and Traffic… (
- Sveta Drinks Tea and I Drink Coffee… (
- Snowing and Coffee and Nitroglycerin… (
- Coffee Thinking’s in Russia… (
- Our Blogs… (
- I Love The Weather in Moscow, Russia… (
- Yes Russians Do Smoke… (
- uCan-Post on Windows to Russia! (
- Coffee and a Putin Quote… (
- Ukraine Was Beautiful and Fun… (
- The Chicken Never Leaves the News in Russia… (
- You Are Not Free – So Accept That… (
- Gods Place: A Blessed Water Source… (
- English Music on the Moscow Train… (
- Sveta and I Live in Korolev, Russia… (

Tags: Chernobyl, Khimki Forest, Mayor, Moscow, Nuclear, Sveta, windowstorussia