Putin Answers Questions!

MOSCOW, December 16 (Itar-Tass) – Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will hold his ninth annual Q & A session with the people of Russia on Thursday, December 16 2010.

A special program titled “A Conversation with Vladimir Putin, Continued” will go on air on the Russia 1 and Russia 24 television channels at midday on Thursday. The Mayak and the Voice of Russia radio stations will also broadcast the program live.

Putin’s Q & A session is expected to last for approximately two hours but it’s likely to be longer as usual. Putin broke record last year. He answered 87 questions in more than four hours.They have recieved over 700,000 questions this year.

I thought that this would be of interest to the readers on Windows to Russia! Thanks for the chance to say something.

Fred Banner

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Windows to Russia!

Tags: Questions, Russia

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