While the mystically-minded are preparing for the 2012 Apocalypse, Russian authorities have decided to cheer everyone up by giving people a historic perspective on the world’s ups and downs.
President Medvedev has announced that the year 2012 will be a celebration of Russian history. The purpose of the special project is to draw attention to Russian history and its significant role in world politics. A new committee is to be set up which will propose suitable celebratory events that will take place throughout Russia.
This year also coincides with several important anniversaries in Russian history. 2012 marks 200 years since the military victory over Napoleon, 1150 years of Russia’s sovereignty, and 150 years since the birth of Russia’s great reformer, Pyotr Stolypin.
Meanwhile, many Russians are taking the Mayan Apocalypse warning seriously and have come up with different ways to survive it.
For example, Evgeny Ubiyko, a military engineer, has constructed the Doomsday Capsule. The invention is perfectly hermetic, with four layers of insulation. It can float, roll down hills, and land upside down – all without being damaged.