Cup of Coffee…
I was drinking my morning cup of coffee and doing some thinking’s…
Sveta grumbled last night about how stupid politics are. She said that she is tired of politics! I smiled and asked what is wrong? She said that soon we will definitely have to call the Militia by the name of Police…
Today, Nov 10, 2010 is the last time that Russian police, officially known as Militia, are celebrating their professional holiday – Militia Day…
So Militia is due to be renamed “Police”, and the Interior Ministry is already referring to the holiday in its own papers as the “Interior Ministry Professional Holiday”. The Russian President has already submitted to parliament a draft law to rename Militia to Police, and the draft is expected to be approved and become law as of March 1st of next year…
I have already noticed a huge change in the Militia/Police. They have new vehicles all over Moscow. I have seen new crisp uniforms everywhere. They have been rumored to be having pay raises in the works. They also could careless to bother us and if they do, we sure are never asked about a bribe anymore. If your paperwork is in order you go about your way very quickly. The attitude is much more professional. (I did not say they are professional but much more…)
I then thought about Moscow and her parking situation. I have gotten through the local news that Moscow is going to make parking a living nightmare again. (As if it was not a living nightmare now!) Pay parking is coming back into force and fines will be imposed on illegal parking, plus towing will be common place. No parking on a sidewalk. No parking on etc etc etc etc…
I have a question for Moscow!
Where the HELL are We (and all of Moscow) gonna park then!!!!!
Because there just is not any parking. I had to laugh and then get mad. The news made it clear that when you have a flat (No not a flat tire, but an apartment), that there is by law, one parking space per flat? Huh! (The news also said crooked builders have found ways around this law and that they (government) are working on closing those said loopholes.)
Well in our new flats, we have at best one parking space per 10 flats. So I ask again…
Where the HELL are We (and all of Moscow) gonna park then!!!!!
The sidewalk is the only place to park 99% of the time…
Ok well that makes me feel better to complain about the parking situation…
Now one thing that I am glad to hear about, that is in the works. The new Mayor of Moscow has expressed the desire to clean up the Metro and public transport stops. What he means by that is to get rid of all the kiosks and people parking in the middle of the road, that clutter up and cause a disaster for traffic and people…

Metro Building…
The Metro buildings are wonderful, beautiful and elegant structures. If you look at old pictures of them, you will find that you can actually see a metro building. If you try to see them now, all you see is a bunch of trashy kiosks and cars parked almost at the metro entrance or to stop the parking problem they have the most unbelievable ugly concrete chunks to keep you from driving all over the sidewalks. At a bus stop they (kiosks) will actually take over part of the road that you drive on. Then with people triple parking in their vehicles, traffic comes to a halt. So I hope that they do clean up the stations and public transport areas. But part of this problem is that people have no parking and the front of a Metro or a bus stop looks like a parking facility also…
But that leads to my unanswered question and most likely it will never be answered…
Where the HELL are We (and all of Moscow) gonna park then!!!!!
I really doubt calling the Militia by the name of “Police” will help the parking problem. But then for some reason that leads to me wonder will the Russians call their Police “pigs” like they do in America? Hummmm…
Ok, Now I feel better again…
Windows to Russia!
- Police Instead of Militia in Russia… (windowstorussia.com)
- Yes Russians Do Smoke… (windowstorussia.com)
- Sveta Drinks Tea and I Drink Coffee… (windowstorussia.com)
- Russian parliament joins work on police reform (rt.com)
- That Cup Of Coffee and the START Treaty… (windowstorussia.com)
- Coffee Thinking’s in Russia… (windowstorussia.com)