While drinking that morning cup of coffee. I was contemplating lots (a dozen or so) of e-mails I have received over the last few weeks. They are all from America and they all have to do with how terrible Russia (more pointedly – Putin) is, over the former oil tycoon Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky. They all have to do with how Russia will be devastated by the financial repercussions of said acts…
I guess that this case is a good mental deterrent for people from the disaster that the Western world has become financially. Years ago I removed my investments in America and Europe. I followed the footsteps of some very smart people and put my money on this side of the world. One example, such as into real (not paper certificates) gold and silver. It was the best thing that I ever did financially. It was easy to see what was happening to America from the outside arena. I would have lost everything if I had not moved things when I did. I will never invest in America again, at least until the government gets her act together. I am not alone in that thought. As the proven financial drain is growing against America…
According to U.S. economist, Laurence Kotlikoff, America’s national debt is $200 trillion, when Baby Boomer demographic demands are calculated – including Social Security, public union, pension and health-care demands on the public purse. That’s a mighty big figure. America, in fact, is destitute. (Link)
So I laugh when people talk trash about Russia as a bad investment climate. But I am saddened when I read about the financial fiasco’s in America. Such as the scapegoat Madoff. In fact the US Politicians are ‘Looking For Scapegoats‘. Be it China and her currency, Russia and her oil and many others. I know you have heard about China and her currency and how it has destroyed America and is all China’s fault…
The fact is America is a bad investment climate. That is why you have
American Companies are Hiring, Just Not in America…
But this is what really sums up the Western worlds feelings on this whole thing about Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky. The push is on by the Western world to have Medvedev do something and cause a rift between him and Putin:
But if Medvedev wants to look like a viable candidate for reelection, he needs to do something to break decisively with Putin, his powerful predecessor and likely rival for the job, experts say.”As the presidential election nears, Medvedev needs to take some strong positive positions in order to step out from the shadow of the prime minister,” says Mr. Strokan. “So far he’s going nowhere, and all polls show that the public regards him as secondary to Putin. His political support lags far behind, and Putin seems to outmaneuver him at every turn. Time is running out for Medvedev to do something to distinguish himself.” (Link)
So we will wait and see what they do about the Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky case. It is still in appeals and nothing is final until the appeals are extinguished. (I have seen many cases overturned during appeals in Russia.) For Russians though the story is absolutely outdated, public opinion is set against most tycoons. All the Wests fairy tales presenting Khodorkovsky as a hero opposing the system is a form of wishful thinking…
Oh, how the dreams of instigators are working overtime right now…
Windows to Russia!
- Putin and Medvedev and Coffee and by the way – Sobyanin… (windowstorussia.com)
- Medvedev and Putin Collide in Front of the Country… (windowstorussia.com)
- Mikhail Khodorkovsky Guilty… (windowstorussia.com)
- Coffee and Russian Medical Care… (windowstorussia.com)
- BP deal amplifies Kremlin’s business message (reuters.com)
- Tycoon ruling can hurt Russia business climate -aide (reuters.com)
- Medvedev and Putin, brothers under the skin (cnn.com)
- No sense speculating on 2012 election – Kremlin aide (rt.com)
- Khodorkovsky found guilty as protests mount against Putin and ‘charade’ trial (guardian.co.uk)
- The End of the Medvedev Revolution? (nybooks.com)

Tags: cup of coffee, fiasco, financial repercussions, gold and silver, investment climate, national debt, oil tycoon, Politicians, public purse, trillion
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