This article originally appeared at Crimea Libre
Marble Cave
Some caves Crimea known not only in Ukraine but also in other countries. The most beautiful in the Crimea, and even in Europe , is considered Marble Cave, which is on the plateau of the mountain Chater -Dag , near the village of Mramornoye. In the 90s Marble Cave earned a place in the list of “Most visited caves in the world”. Reach the cave is the most convenient of Yalta: trolleybus connections to stop “Zarechnoye ” on the bus to the village of Mramornoye.
The cave was discovered in 1987 and two years later was declared a place for excursions. Cave got its name from the fact that the marbled limestone from which it is formed, has created many bizarre shapes. For sightseeing visits Marble Cave equipped entire maze. You will be able to move comfortably on them, thanks to a well equipped concrete stairs with metal handrails. To create a special fairytale atmosphere in the cave set colored lights, which gives stalactites and crystals even more beauty and mystery. Throughout routes in different halls sounds pleasant classical and jazz music. The marble cave is equipped with several rooms, each of which is individual and unique, but also carries his name. You will fall in the “Gallery of fairy tales”, “Rose Room”, “Palace Hall”, “Hall hopes”, etc. It should be noted that the temperature in the cave is quite low – only 8 degrees Celsius, because bring warm clothes, or ask for hire at the entrance jacket.
Krasnaya Cave
Crimean Caves amaze with its diversity. So on the spur of the Crimean plateau, three kilometers from the village Perevalnoe in Simferopol district, the famous Krasnaya Cave (Kizil -Koba cave). Red Cave is the largest cave in the Crimea, its total length is more than 25 tunnels kilometers. It consists of tunnels and halls, area some rooms up to 80 square meters.
Every year thousands of tourists come here to wander in the labyrinth Red caves, admire its wealth: underground rivers, lakes, waterfalls and siphons. Red caves uniqueness also lies in the fact that there remained a huge stalactite, whose age is about eight thousand years. There were also traces of a man who lived 2500 years ago. Cave exploration continues to this day.
Tunnels and caves halls constitute the six floors where the temperature does not rise above 10 degrees Celsius. Excursion to the cave is possible only with a guide. You can select a guided tour of the cave in one of the resort towns of Crimea or go by any bus or trolley, which goes in the direction of Simferopol Alushta, Yalta, and exit near the village Perevalnoe. From the bus stop you will need to go to the cave about 40 minutes.
Some caves Crimea retained even traces of extinct animals. Near Simferopol is Emine -Bair-Khosar. The cave is very popular among tourists, you can go here as one of the guided tours and public transport in the direction of the villages or Krasnolesye Marmara.
Emine -Bair-Khosar
Emine -Bair-Khosar is lower plateau Chater-Dag and formed from leaching karst. Today equipped for passage route is available at a distance of 700 meters. For guests were laid concrete paths. Subterranean kingdom caves there are already more than 10 million years. What we see here today, was created by swirling water in the cavities of the earth.
Resettled in the cave several rooms. The largest – main hall impresses with its size and decoration. In “Lake Room” now you’ll see the underground lake depth of about six meters. Widely regarded as one of the most best hall is a “Hall of idols”. This name is Hall idols because it is decorated with a large number of stalagmites of different shapes and sizes. Emine-Bair-Khosar – this place is definitely worth a visit where in Crimea, halls and galleries decorated with ancient limestone formations of different colors, underground lakes, waterfalls will not leave anyone indifferent. Another unique phenomenon in the cave karst formations are covered with crystals.
Having been in a cave Emine-Bair-Khosar, you ‘ll be able to see how this unique object. There has been preserved a unique natural setting, which has become a centuries-old heritage of mankind.