From Russia: The Orwellian Express…

train to hellAll I can say is that last week in America was interesting and after what I saw happening, I am glad I have escaped that country. The final straw that broke the camels back was when I saw that the 19 year old terrorist crawled out from the boat on his own, then he was arrested, after they shot at him a thousand times. Now they say he shot himself and will never talk. That on top of all the other inconsistencies solved my thinking issues for the rest of my life. At least as far as the American government is concerned…

I went to bed last night and told Sveta that Orwell would be a “sweet and sour” man right now. Sweet that he was correct and sour that he was correct, about the future. 1984 is a must read and in that book you will see the happenings in America and the future of America as you read it. I guess I should say, “Read the book if you can read, but many Americans can not read very well anymore and a book like 1984 – takes a person educated, who can read to understand it. That is past America…”

I will not write a huge article about what is going on in America. If I have to explain to you about what happened (Boston) right in front of your eyes, then you are too far gone and will believe nothing anyone says. So while I feel worried about Americans, I do not feel sorry for Americans. For we got what we voted for all these years and we got what we wanted all along…

We (Americans) have now stepped on-board the Orwellian Express…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

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