Wish house…
There are times you find that perfect spot to live. Sveta and I have found one of the most beautiful little homes near the beach for sell. We found it as we walked around yesterday. It is made of real tile block. You know the type of ceramic block with a glazed side that faces the world. It has a patio roof and also a swimming pool. All within a shrub-ed wall for privacy…
It is just a stone throw from the beach and it needs a happy owner. Sometimes I wish I was rich. For in this case I would try to get this place. Probably just as well that I am not rich, for I would have a home in every country that that I visit. Especially this country. It is unbelievably cheap to live! Someone could retire here and live happily forever after…
Enough of that because it will not happen. Besides Moscow is very cheap living (contrary to popular opinion) and I love my Winters…
Sveta took a picture of the breakfast food this morning…
We could not have picked a better place to stay. The only issue that I have is that the coffee is so good I have fallen off the bandwagon and am drinking coffee for breakfast. Turkey just ruined me with having good coffee. That is one thing about Russia, coffee is not their “Cup of tea” so to say…
Well we are going swimming then we have a market to go to. It is time to replace my T-shirts and such. Turkey has large sizes for big guys and that is good for me. I can even easily find shoes in Turkey…
Have a nice day and we will talk to everyone later…
Kyle and Sveta
Windows to Russia!
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