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Coca-Cola now sees the US as a less friendly business environment than Russia, China or the rest of the world…
Coca Cola has flagged an estimated $3 billion in investment into Russia, over the next 5 years, at the opening of a $120 million plant in Rostov. “We believe that the Russian market, the Russian consumer, the Russian economy is going to grow, is going to be a dynamic – a very dynamic – environment,” and adding “Our system is part of the fabric of Russia’s economic development and we continue to invest in Russia to create jobs and stimulate growth across our supply chain,” said Coca-Cola chief executive Muhtar Kent…
This move by Coca-Cola comes just days after it unveiled plans for $4 billion in investment into the Chinese market, and in the wake of Pepsi’s $3.8 billion purchase of Russian drinks producer Wimm-Bill-Dann in 2010. The Rostov plant is expected to produce 450 million liters of drinks and juices per year…
“It’s like a well-managed company, China!” Muhtar Kent, Coke’s chief executive, told the Financial Times. “You have a one-stop shop in terms of the Chinese foreign investment agency and local governments are fighting for investment with each other.”
Mr Kent also pointed to Brazil as an example of an emerging economy that is making itself attractive to investment in ways that the US once did. “They’re learning very fast, these countries,” he said. “In the west, we’re forgetting what really worked 20 years ago. In China and other markets around the world, you see the kind of attention to detail about how business works and how business creates employment.”
This was all said in conjunction to a Coca-Cola company that looks at the USA as a defeating the prospering of business. I have to agree that America has demised herself in the business world…
Looks like Coke corporation is going to fade slowly into the US sunset and take a whole bunch of jobs away from the US. Coke does not mess around and my company I worked for used Coke as a model of a good business. We spent a lot of time studying how they do business. I was close to Atlanta, Georgia and made many trips to attend seminars at the Coke facilities. I can tell you that a “Big Government” strangling a business and its profits is low on the list of priorities for any corporation to survive. Much less entrepreneurship…
This is a wake up call from one of the oldest, largest and most recognized companies in the world…
Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!
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