Moscow: Super-Babushka 2011…

Something new will be held on Wednesday in Moscow. The first ever contest of the grandmothers (babushkas)…

Called Super-Babushka 2011, the Department of Government of the City Social Welfare has announced…

A total of 105 babushkas all over 50 years old have applied to compete for the titles of Moscow’s most elegant, modern, smart, business minded, creative, artistic and cheerful grandmother…

“They are the core of any family, supporting children and grandchildren, create intimacy and harmony,” the department said in a statement. “Not only are the keepers of family traditions, they are the link between generations. Her energy, wisdom and lust for life are worthy of an admiration.”

The babushka traditionally plays an important role in Russian society. Babushkas raise their children and grandchildren do most household chores, shopping – and therefore often rule the roost in the house…

Now some of you will ask, “What is a babushka?” That was a good question and I am glad you asked…

From Russian бабушка (bábuška, “grandmother, granny”), diminutive of баба (bába, “old woman”). Simply speaking your grandma…

An example that I see a lot in Russia is that babushkas anywhere at anytime will discipline someone. Lets say your kid is acting the fool on the playground! (Yes I know he would never do that!) But lets just say he is being a rotten brat. Well believe you me there is a babushka watching. She will take care of the situation sooner than later. Even if the child is a stranger to the babushka and even if the mother or father of the kid is nearby (Yes, ignoring their kid!) they will not say anything to the elder babushka that is correcting their child. This is because 99% of the time the babushka is correct and they respect the wisdom of the babushka in any case…

Russians have tremendous respect for their elderly (all elderly) as do most cultures in the East. This is the exact opposite to what happens as the norm in the West. The Babushka is considered very very important in society and that is “just right” as Sveta would say…

I have to say that if you keep the babushkas happy, then life in Russia will be happy…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

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