Equal Protection for all…
A proposal was put forward by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev following a serious attack on Oleg Kashin, who is a journalist for the Kommersant daily, on Saturday. The proposal was that journalists in Russia be given the same status for protection that is available to politicians or police…
As I heard from the grapevine all over the area that type of consideration for journalists was not a very good way to look at the situation. I had several articles about this, that journalists are not any more special than anyone else…
So a survey has been done: The majority of Russians (73 percent) oppose proposed amendments to the Russian law granting just journalists special protection, according to a poll conducted by the Superjob.ru recruitment portal. About a quarter of Russians (27 percent) supported Medvedev’s initiative, but the rest said that doctors, teachers, servicemen, children and pensioners also deserve better protection from potential attackers.
“First we need to comply with the existing laws, then journalists will feel much safer,” said Alexander Arkhangelsky, a TV journalist and writer who opposes the amendments.
The laws in Russia need to be enforced and modified for all people not just a specific group. That is a trait in Russia that I see as a detriment. The Russian government looks just at a specific issue then tries to solve that issue and ignores everything else. Example is the Blue lights for Rich people and politicians…
I really feel that elevating the status of a journalist will put a bigger target on their heads and create even more unsafe conditions for them. By changing the laws to help protect everyone from a system that really does not provide proper protection for all the people, will help protect journalists also…
Windows to Russia!
- Sometimes I get Upset at Politics… (windowstorussia.com)
- Was There a Turncoat in the Russian Spy Scandal… (windowstorussia.com)
- Yes Russian Abused Another Reporter… (windowstorussia.com)
- Russian Reporter Oleg Kashin Beaten Into Coma (teaandpolitics.wordpress.com)
- Medvedev Talks to Journalists… (windowstorussia.com)
- It is a Heyday in the Russian Press… (windowstorussia.com)