Russia Today and Mass Animal Deaths Sweep Globe…

Russia Today has a very good video about the deaths of millions and millions of animals, all over the world. This is not an isolated problem and looks to be getting worse instead of better…

Authorities in northern Italy say more than a thousand turtle doves have dropped dead over the past 5 days. It’s the latest in a series of unexplained sudden death incidents affecting creatures in the sky and underwater. The events have sparked a media frenzy, with doomsday speculators saying it hails the end of the world. But is there really something fishy going on or is it being overhyped? RT’s Katerina Azarova reports…

Is this the “Ends of Days”? As Many bloggers are starting to report…

Windows to Russia!

Tags: animal deaths, animals all over the world, dead birds, doomsday, mystery deepens, something fishy, sudden death

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