Spoiling a long-planned wedding, police in the republic of Udmurtia detained a 22-year-old local woman for beating to death a man who owed her money, the Investigative Committee said on Wednesday.
The woman, whose name was withheld, was drinking alcohol the night before her wedding when her 45-year-old debtor paid her a visit, the committee’s branch in the republic located in Volga federal district said on its website.
The man failed to pay back the unspecified amount, which prompted the woman to beat him up outside her house in front of her drunk fiancé who did not interfere, the report said.
Though some locals discovered the man’s corpse the next day, it did not prevent the couple from going to the registrars office to seal their marriage.
However, the woman was detained after the wedding and now faces up to 15 years in prison on charges of intentional infliction of grave bodily harm that resulted in death, the committee said.