As I was drinking this hot cup of coffee, I thought about Santa, Saint Nick, Father Frost, Grandfather Frost, Ded Moroz, Santa Claus, Chris Kringle, Pere Noel, Papai Noel, Viejo Pascuero, Dun Che Lao Ren, Kerstman, Joulupukki, Weihnachtsmann, Kanakaloka, Mikulas, Babbo Natale, Hoteiosho, Julenissen, Swiety Mikolaj, Jultomten and Father Christmas! Yes all Santa in different parts of the world.
I remember well the letter that was written by a young girl (Virginia O’Hanlon). As we grew up we were taught about things like this. I grew up in a world that it was OK to believe. You were expected to believe…
There are now people who feel that Santa should not be believed in.
In fact Russia had to stand up for Father Frost: there was a TV ad that was banned in December of 2007. The ad for Eto electrical stores stated Father Frost, Russia’s version of Father Christmas, did not exist.
But because Russia stood up for Father Frost (Santa) the Western press had a hay day with this and put Russia down for censoring freedom of speech. The Western Press says that the Eto Electric company had a right to say there is no Santa. Russia says that the company is not the one responsible to tell children that there is no Santa. That their actions undermined parental authority, trust and respect!
Russia still stands by the decision to leave the telling of No – Father Frost to the parents. (I agree)
I grew up in a world that even if you did not think Father Frost (Santa) was real, you would never announce it to the world. You had more respect for the kids and not kids who believe.
I for one do not care what he is called. I believe in Santa Claus and feel he is an important part of growing up.
Since I am only 50+ years old, I have a lot of growing still. So I believe in Santa Claus…..
Kyle & Svet
comments always welcome.
PS: You have any names I missed for Santa let us know and I will add them.

Tags: Christmas, Ded Moroz, Father Christmas, Father Frost, Holidays, Moscow Russia, Russia, Russian, Santa Claus