TV: New Video Showing Euromaidan Snipers Firing on Police and Protesters on Feb 20, 2014

This article originally appeared at The New Cold War

New video posted on YouTube provides direct evidence of shooters killing an entire group of Maidan protesters from the Hotel Ukraina on February 20, 2014. The video corroborates other evidence mentioned in my study [Feb 20, 2015], such as eyewitness reports, directions of entry wounds, and bullet trajectories.

The video shows that its maker and some other protesters noticed the shots from the hotel at the direction of the protesters. He zoomed to specific open windows on the 12th and 9th floor of the hotel, but then had to flee to the cover of trees after a bullet hit a metal pole near him.

The video was uploaded to YouTube more than one year after the massacre. But this crucial new evidence is deliberately ignored by the Ukrainian media and official investigation, even though they are aware of the video because it was recently posted on Nebesna sotniaMaidan samooborona (Maidan Self-Defence) and Pravyi sektor (Right Sector) Facebook groups. It is noteworthy that the crucial video was also ignored by Maidan Self-Defence and the Right Sector, whose leadership and covert armed groups of “snipers” were linked to this massacre of both police and the protesters.

During the first minute and a half of this video, which was filmed from 9:28am till 9:32am on February 20, at least six protesters were killed and many others wounded in the same area near Zhovtnevyi Palace. Three other protesters were killed there within three minutes prior, and another protester within a minute after the end of the video. The video shows that Ihor Kostenko was killed in the rear of the advancing protesters at 9:28am, and it zooms on large caliber pellets near the place of his killing a minute afterwards. He reportedly had more than one entry wound, specifically to his head and to the legs. This is consistent with use of hunting shotguns with large caliber pellets by the Maidan shooters, specifically at the Hotel Ukraina.

In spite of its importance, the mainstream media in the West would likely not report this crucial new piece of evidence pointing to actual Maidan “snipers” who massacred their fellow protesters as a part of the organized violent overthrow of the government.

View the video at the weblink above or by clicking on the screen below.

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Ivan Katchanovski has published several studies of the sniper massacres of Feb. 20, 2014 in Kyiv and of the arson massacre in Odessa on May 2, 2014:

Katchanovksi will present his analysis of the Odessa massacre in a paper to be presented to the upcoming Canadian Association of Slavists conference in Ottawa [May 30-June1]. The seminar is scheduled for Saturday, May 30 at 10 am. The analysis uses various sources, such as a special parliamentary commission report, May 2 group reports, videos and recordings of live broadcasts and calls to firefighters, leaked medical examinations, media reports, and interviews by participants and eyewitnesses from both sides and by the police commanders. Also speaking at the seminar will be Halyna Mokrushyna, recently returned from a reporting trip to Donetsk.

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