TV: Ukraine Vet Exposes Kiev’s Lies

This article originally appeared in German at Die Propagandaschau 

Translated by Russia Insider

(Note on Translation: Thanks to all who responded to our call for German translators! However, we could still use a few more volunteers. If you’re interested, please contact David Curry at

The Ukrainian Igor Kovalev is a native of Donetsk and fought for more than a year in the Donbass Battalion on the side of the Kiev government. Then he returned to his home town and joined the resistance forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

What Kovalev tells German- RT in his interview is especially believable because he illustrates his view of the war in a very sophisticated and disillusioned way. The explanation of how the Kiev government’s propaganda (directed by US spin doctors) incites Ukrainians against people in Eastern Ukraine is made more convincing by the fact that he draws a rather clear line between the fascist battalions and other combat troops.

The propaganda lies told to Ukrainians are well known to us from German media, which is every bit as much under the US thumb as the media in freshly occupied Ukraine.

(Note: This video is in German, but we offer a translation of the important bit below. – RI)


“I must admit, that there is a lot that we just didn’t know. First we were told that the inhabitants of the towns had been taken hostage by the militants.

It was soon clear that the people showed no signs of being hostages.

Secondly 99% of all problems in the Republic were caused by the economic blockade…

I do think that the people’s militia has Russian military advisors. There are volunteers. That is no secret. A complete intervention of the regular Russian Army – as Kiev had told us – is luckily not happening.”

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