Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation is interested in the creation of a major international alliance of aircraft-makers including companies from a range of countries, its president Mikhail Pogosyan said on Thursday.
UAC wants to move from participation in joint projects on an individual basis to creation of a united alliance for integration into the world aerospace industry, he said.
“The foremost partner could be India, which would provide access to the growing Indian market,” he said.
Other likely candidates for the alliance could be China, Indonesia, Italy, South Africa and Ukraine, he added.
UAC, which was set up in 2006, is a holding company of Russia’s major aircraft design and production enterprises, including fighter makers Sukhoi,and Irkut, the KAPO and Sokol factories, UAC Transport Aircraft, and the Tupolev and Yakovlev design bureaus.
Russia is currently involved in joint projects to create military aircraft with India including the T-50 fighter and MTA transport aircraft program, and with Ukraine to make the An-70 propfan transport.
In July, Russia signed a deal with Italy’s Finmeccanica to jointly develop maritime patrol aircraft.