Some of Russia‘s most famous rock groups will play a concert in downtown Moscow on Sunday to protest a $8 billion highway being built through a forest just outside the Russian capital.
The concert, called “We live in the Khimki forest,” will feature some of Russia’s most outspoken bands including DDT, Televisor, Barto, OtZvuki Mu and Padla Bear Outfit, music critic Artemy Troitsky told RIA Novosti.
“Our music community has decided that it is fed up with being silent,” Troitsky said.
Plans by local authorities to cut down part of the Khimki forest to make way for a toll highway from Moscow to St. Petersburg have provoked anger among local residents and environmentalists, who say economic interests must not outweigh environmental concerns.
Environmentalists have maintained a round-the-clock vigil at the forest since July 15 in order to stop any “illegal” attempts to cut down trees.
Russia’s Supreme Court ruled in April that the decision to build the road was legal, but the Khimki Forest Defense movement has filed a suit with the European Court in Strasbourg over the issue.
The Moscow-St. Petersburg toll highway is scheduled to be put into operation in 2015.
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