How about a Second Cold War? Is this a possibility? Could America afford another cold war? Would the world loan America the money for another cold war? Would that Cold War feeling make you feel secure? How about spending some time rehearsing bomb shelter trials and practice? And you thought that the only issue was from the Middle East. Hummm…
Russia Today talks to Journalist Pepe Escobar from the Asia Times. It is not a bad interview and the points made are valid enough to consider…
In the news, I have been hearing the drums beating, the marchers marching and the pipers piping in all of the world. The calls to increase the American military spending and reach is growing stronger everyday. Gates set off a stir by his declaration of a paltry 78 billion dollar cut to the Pentagon budget…
Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton is in the video and toots his horn and exclaims that we are underestimating the level of threat…
Myself I think that we have reached a point of stupidity:
The United States has 460 bases overseas! It has 507 permanent bases! What is the U.S doing with more than 560 foreign bases? Why does it have 662 bases abroad? Does the United States really have more than 1,000 military bases across the globe? (Empire of Bases 2.0)
But America is not alone. China is increasing their Military. Russia is increasing their Military. India is Increasing their Military. So on and so on and so on…
Looks like we could not succeed in getting the Korea’s to cooperate and blow each other up. So we have to point our finger at someone else…
Nuff said. Go home now, nothing new here…
Windows to Russia!
- China and America: A second Cold War? (
- Coffee and That Cold War Past… (
- So America Did Not Like Russia Today Doing Some Reporting on the SOA Watch Rally… (
- Just how many bases does the Pentagon have? (
- What was the Cold War? (
- America’s nuclear, Cold War hysteria (
- Russia Today Responds To Their News Team Arrest in America… (
- SOA Rally – Has a Message Been Delivered? (
- Russia Today and Mass Animal Deaths Sweep Globe… (
- The Confirmation of Colonel Shcherbakov’s Spy Controversy… (
- You All Thought Things Were So Good Between Russia and America… (
- Coffee and Morning Thoughts… (
- Coffee, Viktor Bout and the START Treaty… (
- Georgia and Iran: Things That Make You Go Hummmm… (

Tags: bomb shelter, military bases, pentagon, pentagon budget, pipers piping, stupidity, war hysteria, what was the cold war