Coffee and God and them Medical Tests…

Coffee and God and them Medical Tests…

Sitting at the computer this morning and sipping that cup of coffee. Just thinking about yesterday and all my doctor tests that were run…

There is good and bad news and the bad is not all that life threatening so we will think mainly about the good news today. I had said a awhile back that I had a worrisome spot on my liver. That turns out to be OK. Cancer is not an issue. It is caused by my years of battling with diabetes. It seems that it is a issue associated with diabetes. That is OK with me as long as it does not cause any other issues?

Now more good news along that same issue is that my diabetes is under control as long as I stay on my medications and watch my diet carefully. My three month blood tests show that my sugar level averages are way down and stable…

Another good thing is that my heart has stopped any form of increased damage above what I had when I came to Russia. As you know I had 6 heart attacks in America and looked to be en route for another, due to pressures of work and life. I had alarm bells ringing all around me and was having a daily conversation with the Grim Reaper…

I was taught by my Grandma that “God works in strange ways.” God has stepped into my life several times and guided me when the going got rough and tough. One of those times is when Sveta stepped into my life. She was all the way on the other side of the world and by the grace of cell phones and sms and emails. She was with me through several of my heart attacks. She did not have to be. She did not have to even acknowledge that I was around. It is pretty simple just not answer that text or phone call. She had never seen me in person. She really did not know who I was. But she took the time and effort to literally be available 24 hours a day through the last two of my heart attacks in America. I say that God blessed me with Sveta…

Now as my cup of coffee is running low. I will end this post with, a sort bad issue. My years of diabetes have taken its toll on other areas of the body. One of them is the kidneys. So we are going to try to get things better in that area. It seems that I have a very long persisting kidney infection also. I would say that for about 6 months I knew that I had something wrong. That is one of the issues that drove me in, to get so many extra tests done…

Have a nice day…

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