Good Morning from Windows to Russia. Today as I was sipping that great cup of coffee. I was doing some thinking’s about various issues all over Russia and the world…
I took notice of Robert Gates in China…
“They clearly have potential to put some of our capabilities at risk,” Gates said en route to military talks with Chinese leaders. “We have to pay attention to them, we have to respond appropriately with our own programs.”
That is cool! Lets increase our (USA) military budget even more, to keep up with the big bad world. You see Russia is upping the ante and now China is upping the ante. Iran, India and many other countries have all upped the ante. The whole world is on a military spending spree. (Spend, spend, spend, and spend) While half their population and the world starves…
Well – while we found out how scary China is now, with words of wisdom from Gates. Lets go to an interesting situation that really bothers me…
This map below is at link:,-120.48912&spn=0.005027,0.006866
It shows the mass death areas of animals (Blue tear drop). Go ahead and check it out. Google lets you have lots of links to go see the articles on the situation…
So while we have a real issue, that so far gets very little main media attention. We will just ignore the fact that something is amiss…
Now Russia has been having fun in the ice while animals are dieing all over the world. For the last week or so, Russia has been trying to get several ships that have been froze into the ice in the Sakhalin Bay in Russia’s Far East. This has been a big deal here and I am not sure what the rest of the world knows about it. Since I have been goofing off lately, I have watched but been doing other things than to mention it. There seems to be 4 or 5 ice breakers now trying to clear a path to open water to allow the ships to get free. They say some of the ice is 8 meters thick. (8 meters about 26 feet thick…) Now that is some ice…
One last thought before I am done boring you. I found this picture of Christmas in Russia. It was with out incident and over 80,000 people attended the 268 churches in Moscow…
I really like the picture…
That is all and have a great day…
Windows to Russia!
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Tags: chesapeake bay, dead fish, Google, military budget, Robert Gates, snapper fish, spending spree
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