Coffee and My New Therapist…

Coffee and My New Therapist…

I was drinking my morning cup of coffee and I was contemplating about yesterday and spending all day at my medical clinic. We found a new therapist (Medical Doctor or MD as I call them in America) and she was just fantastic. Yes a she, as always in Russia… (Link)

I have needed to get a new doctor (MD) who takes care of everything but my heart issues. Sveta and I were simply stunned at the knowledge that this woman had and I felt very comfortable in her presence. I would be happy for her to also take over my heart issues if she so desires. She asked questions and took a long time to get to know me. There was none of this, Hi then Goodbye, in 60 seconds. She even took my tests that have been run and discussed them with several specialists to back up what she already knew…

So she is checking out everything and in a few weeks, I will know what all her recommendations will be to continue living a long life. In fact this next Tuesday I have to go back and have several test run…

So we are as usual very happy with the health care system in Russia. Many times I see that the equipment is old and worn, but still usable. I see a run down building that has seen many many years of hard use. I see long queues to wait in. I see a bureaucratic overloaded system. I see a lot to complain about if I was a superficial person…

But what I really see (in my eyes), is doctors that care and a system that allows them to care…

That is what matters to me…

  1. kylesvet says:

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