This morning it was -6 below an according to the weather report it was going to get colder much colder. Moscow also has got an ice storm that has lasted for several days and still going on. The ice is around a half inch thick in many places. Needless to say, this has caused a mess here, as I see it is in Europe also. They announced last night that the trolleys and trams were going to run all night long to keep the electric lines from freezing solid…
So with the ice storm going on, the coffee was really good this morning. But to make it better, I had a new brand of coffee this morning. It was from India. My students gave it to me as a gift and I decided to open it for Christmas. What a treat this coffee is. Smooth and dark. I used some baked milk in it and had a dream cup of coffee…
While drinking that cup of coffee it dawned on me that I have spent 5 (five) Christmases here in Russia. Time just flies and never seems to hesitate.
They have without a doubt been some of the best Christmases that I have ever had. Now nothing matches the Christmases with the kids when they are little. But when the youngest is approaching 30 and they have families all their own to deal with. So that is then and this is now…
So Christmas is now just Sveta and I and of course Boza…
I have finally found that “peace on earth and goodwill to men” stuff that songs talk about…
Unless I stir it up and cause issues…
But I never stir my coffee. The cream just mixes naturally…
Windows to Russia!
- Merry Christmas From Windows to Russia! (
- Coffee Thinking’s in Russia… (
- Sveta Drinks Tea and I Drink Coffee… (
- Coffee and Teaching in Russia… (
- I Love The Weather in Moscow, Russia… (
- Coffee and Our Volga… (
- Coffee, IBM, Gazprom, Shipping and Traffic… (
- Coffee and a Putin Quote… (
- Snowing and Coffee and Nitroglycerin… (

Tags: cup of coffee, peace on earth, trolleys, weather in moscow russia
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