I was drinking my morning cup of coffee and was going through hundreds and hundreds of spam comments. It then struck me that I had read several articles in the last few years about how bad Russia and China were on the spam attacks in the world. They explain that China and Russia were just hotbeds of evil spam machines that terrorized our computers 24 – 7…
Now we all have heard about the Russia Spam King and when he was caught that all world spam fell by 50 billion emails a day! After he was put away. The Western press made a huge deal out of it and you would have thought that spam was a bygone product because this kid was neutered…
The number of spam emails sent globally has fallen by one fifth or fifty billion emails each day after a Russian spamming operation was shut down a month ago. (Link)
Sorry, that is just not the only story. I have been tracking spam since 2007. I have a faithful little invisible pixel that has been in my templates since the beginning of my desires to write a blog. It is attached to a code that tracks all things interesting and vital. Like spam and where you come from? Do you use a proxy? Etc, etc, etc…
So after all these years who is king?
1. United States (It is 4X South Korea)
2. South Korea (2X Brazil)
3. Brazil (Same as India)
4. India (2X Argentina)
5. Argentina (More than all the rest of the world put together…)
The list above is from my data base. This is not official and not from “Gods Gift to Website Statistics” type sites that spout all knowledge about the web as the final word. Russia and China are in the top 10 but near the bottom of the list…
This information is from millions and millions of spam comments based on Email Spam, Comment Spam and Social Networking Spam…
Never was Russia nor China the king of spam. Never even before this young man was caught, was Russia at the top. China was never in the top 5. But the USA is by far the king of spam. The US has been number one since the day I started to track spam and no one is close to the amount of spam that I get from The United States… (Nor death threats and hate comments for that matter…)
Want to know what city is the “King of Spam” in the USA? Glad you asked…
Washington DC… (They also rule on death threats and hate comments also…)
So while I am sipping that wonderful hot cup of coffee. I have a daunting task ahead to sift through hundreds and hundreds of daily spam to try to catch those few real comments that did not make it through…
By the way it is snowing like crazy here in Moscow…
Windows to Russia!
- I Personally Simply Hate Spam Comments… (windowstorussia.com)
- Russia Says, “The Western World needs to Mind their own Business, both at Home and on the International Arena”… (windowstorussia.com)
- Coffee and North/South Korea and “Stupid is as Stupid Does”… (windowstorussia.com)
- 23-Year-Old Russian Hacker Responsible Was for One-Third of Global Spam [Spam] (gawker.com)
- Coffee and Pondering in Russia… (windowstorussia.com)
- The US is Really Helping the Situation in Korea… (windowstorussia.com)
- Since South Korea Started This in the First Place… (windowstorussia.com)
- uCan-Post on Windows to Russia! (windowstorussia.com)
- Coffee and the 5th Christmas… (windowstorussia.com)

Tags: cup of coffee, proxy, spam attacks, spam king, spamming, website statistics
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