The Primorye Territory in Russia’s Far East has introduced a target tourism development program aimed at doubling the region’s income from tourism, Deputy Governor Igor Uleisky said.
“We should drastically rechannel tourist flows, which are currently directed outside Primorye,” Uleysky said. “This task would be feasible if we create good conditions for tourists in our region.”
The regional administration issued a statement inviting companies to engage in the construction of resort areas, hotels and other tourist facilities.
The administration sees the forthcoming APEC-2012 summit in Vladivostok as an opportunity to show the attractiveness of the region to foreigners and attract foreign tourists to the area.
Under the program, they will receive partial compensation for loan expenditures and lease payments for infrastructure objects. They would also be able to receive budget investment for construction and renewal of infrastructure objects.
One of the program’s targets is to create 43,300 jobs in the tourist industry.