International Strategy for Cyberspace

The United States will continue efforts to make cyberspace safer, but will also keep on fostering the openness and accessibility of the global network, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said at the rollout of the first-ever White House International Strategy for Cyberspace.

The International Strategy for Cyberspace is to work with other nations in order to promote an open, interoperable, secure and reliable information and communications infrastructure that supports global trade and commerce, strengthens international security and fosters free expression and innovation.

“We have to build a global consensus around a shared vision to the future of cyberspace, to make sure it serves rather than impedes the social, economic and political aspirations of people worldwide. And, that can only happen through patience, persistence and creative diplomacy,” Hillary Clinton said.

The International Strategy for Cyberspace calls for building an international coalition to preserve Internet freedoms and to prevent cybercrime and the loss of intellectual property.

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