The red is the area…
It has an area of 176,700 km2 and a population of about 42,000+. It is roughly more than 4 times the size of Switzerland and the smallest autonomous region by population. Read More
So why on this snowy day am I thinking about this area of Russia that is known for Polar Bears having a good time there?
Sveta had an interesting meeting the other day and she got to rub elbows with the assistant gubernatorial of the region mentioned above. Sveta asked me to go, but I decided to stay at home and goof off. I have been having some health issues. It looks like I missed a very important moment in the world of Russia. But that is okay because Sveta had a blast and I really think without me she had more leeway to get to know her new friends from high up, literally high up in Russia…
I got to benefit from the best deer sausage and ham I have ever had in my life. It was local produced from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug region and it was heaven for this country boy. (I am pretty sure that it is Reindeer meat and oh it is so good…)
My sweetie…
Here is a picture of Sveta from the blog of this gal she met in Moscow. You can find the blog here at this link. ( It is in Russian but still you can enjoy the pictures and translate by Google. This is her profile at Blogger. ( Sveta is smiles ear to ear and is holding the guarantee of the fact that the sausage is the best deer sausage in the world…
Irina Kotkina
Her name is Irina Kotkina everyody in Internet knows her as ChumRabotnitsa (ЧумРаботница) her current position is assistant governor (помошник губернатора) of Nenets Autonomous Area (Ненетский автономный округ), the capital of the Area where Irina lives is (**) Naryan Mar. She is in the picture to the right. She came to Moscow on some business for the region she is in and since her and Sveta are good internet buddies they decided to meet. They met a Moo Moo’s in Moscow and had a great time…
Irina Kotkina said in her blog that now “This means that in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is not just 42 000 people, now there are a little more.” Meaning that new friends were made and that increases the population of the area…
Sveta and I talked and have decided to try a Winter trip to the Nenets Autonomous Okrug area. It will be frozen and roads will be able to be transverse easier. The highways that high up in Russia have a lot to be desired and when they are frozen they are passable to an extent. We are looking at the Winter break to make that trip. Which means this January coming up…
I have been wanting to travel to this region for years and now it looks like Sveta has found the desire also. I am going to keep my fingers crossed and be a good boy. For me this would be a trip of a lifetime. Traveling to North Russia by car is my favorite and going all the way to the Arctic Ocean is a dream I have…
So take sometime to look at the links above that I gave you on the area. It is a beautiful part of Russia and would be worth a visit if you have a few weeks to travel Russia…
Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!
(**) Naryan-Mar: The town’s importance derives from being the only developed commercial port in an area of several thousand square miles. As a result, Naryan-Mar has a reasonably well developed tourist and hospitality services, with several saunas and hotels. The town also hosts a local museum, a large World War II memorial, an Orthodox church, and a historic district which predates the foundation of the modern city. Sports fishing is also possible in the area…
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