Putin had a meeting just before New Years. It involved the governor of the Moscow Region, Boris Gromov, Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko and the head of the Moscow United Electric Company Nikolay Shvets...
“You promised that by 6pm today electricity would be back on. It is 6 now,” Putin said. “35 villages, 4,000 people are still without power.”
”I have an idea: you go to these villages and celebrate the New Year together with these people!” Putin suggested.
As a result, all three officials spent their New Year visiting villages left without electricity.
I think that works better than firing them…
Windows to Russia!
- Amid more electricity cuts, officials celebrate New Year in affected villages (rt.com)
- Putin fumes over Russian power outages (ctv.ca)
- Medvedev and Putin Collide in Front of the Country… (windowstorussia.com)
- Putin Is Interviewed by Larry King… (transcript translation) (windowstorussia.com)
- Putin says Khodorkovsky “must be in jail” (thehimalayantimes.com)
- Putin and Medvedev and Coffee and by the way – Sobyanin… (windowstorussia.com)
- Coffee and a Putin Quote… (windowstorussia.com)
- Vladimir Putin Orders Russian Government to Switch to Free Software by 2015 (windowstorussia.com)

Tags: power outages, Russian government, Vladimir Putin
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