Ret. NATO Chief Wesley Clark Echoes Kiev Offical, Predicts Russian Offensive

Clark says ‘Russian offensive’ in Donbass ‘inevitable,’ hints at land bridge to Crimea as a possible aim

RI Staff Subscribe to RI Staff Ukraine 14 hours ago | 1,383 Comments

Retired US General Wesley Clark consults his crystal ball and gives us the date of the “next Russian offensive” in Donbass – it’s to take place in April, after Easter:

It seems that the restoration of a wider conflict is inevitable, and I hope that the United States will take all necessary steps to prevent it,”– announced the American general, former commander of NATO forces in Europe during the war in Kosovo, Wesley Clark in his speech at the Atlantic Council.

According to the general, Minsk agreements “barely work.” Heavy weapons, which had to be withdrawn according to the agreement, are hidden near the boundary line. Nevertheless, Russia continues to supply military equipment to the militants.

Given these factors, General Clark expects a new offensive by pro-Russian forces after the Easter holidays, but before May 9.

If you look at the previous patterns of operations, it is possible to predict the next Russian offensive,” noting that it is hard to keep the Donbas without control over the supply of electricity and the Crimea without proper communication. 

What is this prediction based on we don’t know, but it just so happens that in predicting it, Clark echoes Kiev’s Andriy Paruby, the deputy speaker of Ukraine Parliament and the former commandant of the Maidan Self-Defense. 

We guess that makes it official: freedom-loving Ukraine better brace for Putin’s hordes.

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