278 words – 1 minute, 23 seconds of reading…
Russian President Medvedev has announced the ending of daylight saving time starting in the autumn of 2011. Medvedev has argued that switching clocks twice a year is harmful for people’s health and triggers stress…
“Every fall and every spring we are swearing at this system,” Medvedev said. “Our biorhythms are damaged. We are all angry. We either oversleep and turn up late for work or wake up too early and don’t know what to do with this free time. Let alone poor cows and other animals that can’t understand why they should have their meals or be milked earlier or later.”
That is really a smart move and I am amazed by this. I have always been against “Day Light Savings Time” and nothing will change my mind that it is anything but a stupid idea…
That is why I love Russia..
Now my clocks will be the correct time year around. Instead of being an hour off, half a year…
Windows to Russia!
- Time stops: Russia abolishes daylight saving time (rt.com)
- No more daylight: Russia to quit changing clocks (rt.com)
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Tags: correct time, daylight saving time, daylight savings time, freedom in the world, Medvedev, news from russia, poor cows, russia time, russian president, smart move
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