Russian Zoo Puts Car in Cage

Illustrating the notion that automobiles are carnivores, the administration of a zoo in the Lipetsk region put a caged car on display next to pumas and iguanas, local media reported.

The cage holding the BMW sedan was adorned with a board reading “Yezdun,” a made-up Russian word implying very bad driving, according to a photo carried by

“I drive. I don’t think. I can’t [think],” Yezdun’s placard reads, the report said.

The stunt was to promote an international campaign for safe driving, in which the Lipetsk region is participating, local police said.

“A flagrant traffic offender is more dangerous than any beast,” a Lipetsk police spokesman informed on Thursday.

Some 300 people are killed and a further 2,500 crippled every year on the roads of the central Russian region, which has a population of 1.2 million.


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