Mainstream Media
If anything was to be considered phony then the alleged Iran plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to the US and blow up both the Saudi and Israeli embassies has to be the icing on phony mainstream media cake. But that does not stop the warmongers and drum beaters from using it, for all it is worth…
The only thing that I saw good out of this whole shenanigans was that the people did not believe the bull as much as in the past. Could it be that we are getting tired of lies? It seemed to me that it did not take long and the falsifications of the story by an Investigating Instigating FBI. Just had a ring of stupidity that even a three year old child would scowl at when you told him the story…
Then when I heard what Iran said, “The US had created the recent hype to overshadow the spread of the Occupy Wall Street protests in its cities!” I had to agree but will add that also the US is trying to test the waters and see if they can get away with attacking Iran…
I like this quote because it is very true:
“Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.”
― Lysander Spooner
What a world we live in! I thought back to all my history that I have read about and experienced. I realized that nothing has changed under the sun. We have been killing each other for centuries. We have been enslaving each other for all known time. We have lied, cheated, deceived and controlled as long as man has records. We are always in an endless loop and all that changes is the toys we have to kill and amuse ourselves with…
So one day those war drums will beat even stronger over Iran. For we all truly believe that Iran is evil. Just like we see Russia, Venezuela, North Korea, Libya and so so so so many more. Why do we see them as evil? Is it because all of us have been to these countries and seen first hand how terrible and evil they are. Or is it because we are told everyday of our lives that they are evil and should be eradicated or saved?
I for one am glad, that I moved to this evil country called Russia…
Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!
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