Windows to Russia reached a total of 2226 posts by the end of 2010. 783 posts were turned out during the 2010 year. That is what was going through my mind this morning as I sipped my coffee. Then I asked myself what am I doing it for? It is a good question because I have enough to do with out worrying about a blog. For that fact a bunch of blogs…
Then with all the nasty e-mail/comments that I get. I really wonder why I do it? Then I receive a e-mail/comment that makes me understand why I do it…
Kyl, i sumetimes git upset at the way Utell us that U.S. is got your words “issues”. i then git spiked enough and google it. i find U right two many times. i dont like U when U right. Papaw told i many times that Rusia is commuist and anyone who shake hand is a commy! i no Rusia not commy now. Papaw is prbly turn in his grave cause i read Ur stuff. i asked to self why? Why do we spike Rusia? i wrote time ago a bad toss at you. i wilnt cus this time. i ask my teach abot tis? “””A patrot was one that loves ther country, but wonlt blinly folow ther goverment everystuffs. But now it means, it a body hoo blinly folow everystuffs thems coutry goverment did, and cant think on them ownes””” Muy teach got spiked and shotted that i um American. That when i saw some light and spak. Could be we hav a “issue” in U.S.? i read even if i git spiked at U. TY fore time. Jeramy
As we go into 2011. I remember why I am doing this:
To change the way the World looks at Russia, one person at a time…
When I first started, that was my goal. Not a very lofty goal. But a simple yet exceedingly difficult goal. I am bucking years and years of attitude and propaganda. From both the Western and Eastern side…
The e-mail above came last night. The end of the year. It is heart rendering to me to have left it in its basic form, but I felt that it would be wrong to alter in anyway. It was not malice or hate intended. In fact it was a compliment that I take dear to my heart. I looked for the quote that he made. I found what I think he is referring:
A Patriot was someone who loves their country and supports it, but won’t blindly follow whatever their country’s government does. These days, it is synonymous with Nationalist, which is someone who blindly follows whatever his country’s government does, and lacks his own ability to think and reason for himself. (Link)
The part that bothers me, (coming from a family of teachers) is the teachers response…
So I go into 2011 and will continue with my writings. You can hate me, love me or wish I was dead. But 2226 posts and 4 years ago, I started this project. It was the coming and living in Russia that cleared my senses to what was happening in America. So for that, I support Russia with all my heart. For that I support people in America to wake up before it is too late, because I love America with more than all my heart…
I received another comment from a good reader the other day. It tells me something:
Its interesting how influenced we are by propaganda. I have been very busy these last few months, so I have not been able to follow the news the way I would like, and I too was under the impression that START was finally ratified in the states. After only living in the states for a year and a half, I am now completely engrossed in the propaganda machine and accept things for face value again, knowing full well how much farce is being pushed to the public.
Its odd, it didn’t take long for me to see through America’s political charade once I left the country. However, upon returning, it didn’t take long for me to once again feel at home and accept this charade as truth. Either I am incredibly weak, or the propaganda machine is extremely fine tuned.
I understand what was said very well and the “propaganda machine is extremely fine tuned”…
Have a Happy New Year Everyone!
Thank you to all my readers and hope you are looking forward to another year of “Windows to Russia”…
Windows to Russia!
- Coffee and Nobel Prize and Visa and MasterCard… (Priceless) (
- Sveta Drinks Tea and I Drink Coffee… (
- Riots and Teenagers in Russia… (
- Russia Says, “The Western World needs to Mind their own Business, both at Home and on the International Arena”… (
- Coffee and The Spam King Country… (
- Ouch – We Saw This Coming A Mile Away – START… (
- The Chicken Never Leaves the News in Russia… (
- Coffee and Pondering in Russia… (
- Emails and Coffee… (
- Snowing and Coffee and Nitroglycerin… (
- Coffee and the 5th Christmas… (
- Coffee and Our Volga… (
- Coffee and Teaching in Russia… (
- Our Blogs… (

Tags: attitude, Blog, blogs, Coffee, commy, good question, Google, heart, lofty goal, malice, papaw, propaganda
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