Germany in the Euro Crises From Russia with a Cup of Coffee…

Grab a cup of coffee and lets look at something that is happening in Europe. If everything can be placed correctly by Germany then the Euro may just come out of this a winner…

Ostensibly Europe is being undermined for their inability to follow the U.S. example. This judgement is misplaced based on the mistaken belief that our strategy actually worked. As we all know it did not. Sure, it may have postponed the explosion for a short time, but only to secure a larger catastrophe in the future. So as we sit here and drink coffee, many or most have confused the delay for success in the system…

However, if Germany’s hard line actually works and the follow up is sufficient, Europe will be commended for opening a different path. As a byproduct, the Euro comes out on top of the dollar. Commodity prices will again or continue to rise, putting strong upward pressure on consumer prices and interest rates will be coerced as well in the USA…

Any form of a reversal in the upward trend of the dollar today will most likely stimulate as a catalyst for developing countries who hold large dollar reserves to diversify into other forms of currencies and commodities. My guess is that Germany sees the U.S. has the world’s reserve currency and enjoys serious benefits from that honor. I believe that Europe craves that award again as they had in their past, and on the basis of Germany’s strategy, this is clearly an obtainable goal within Europe’s reach.

The almost criminal folly now on display in Washington, eventually may force the rest of the world to cancel our privileged reserve form of currency. The process is in the works in the Eastern world and now the Western Empire is showing a rift that just may fuel the underlinings that have been started in the world. I know that as fact, China and Russia both have exponentially profound desires to have world currencies…

I heard a saying once: “If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don’t appreciate the moment until it’s passed.” This is how America needs to look at the dollar. Appreciate it because it is the world currency and do not take it for granted. As with all great things they come and go like the wind. I have said for years now that the wind is changing…

The possible future loss may give Americans a deeper understanding of this concept and quote…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS:  Kanye West is said to have made that quote…

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