Moscow, disappointed by the IAEA report on Iran…

Sometimes I think that Moscow is too nice in her responses to the Western bullbutter…

Link to IAEA Iran Report

Moscow is disappointed with the latest IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear issue on the basis that it can generate tensions over the Islamic Republic based on circumstantial and outdated evidence. Most of the report falls in the maybe, might and in 2003 they were doing this and that…

Even before they officially circulated among the member states of the IAEA in Vienna, the document had caused wild adulterated speculation, rumors and political gossip, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. It is a known fact that Israel threatened to attack Iran on the word of hearsay. The threats became so prominent by Israel, Britain and the USA, that Russia and China had to step in a quiet the rhetoric. The same way that you would have to do when your kids are fighting…

Moscow considers it essential to carefully analyze the report to determine if there really is new reliable evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Not just information from 2003 and then saying Iran might be…

A copy of the report is due to be delivered to the Security Council of the UN at the end of Wednesday. But we all know that it has been floating around for weeks and was released last night officially…

Iran will never give up its legitimate right to develop a nuclear program:

Iran’s representative at the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltaniyeh, said in his commentary on the report of the Agency, which states that Tehran is developing nuclear weapons. The Iranian official also said that Iran is a responsible nation and observes the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty… (NPT and that is something that a nuclear Israel does not respect and observe.)

The IAEA report circulated Tuesday night and that is when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia expressed its disappointment at the document and said it could start generating tension around Iran…

The report’s authors claim that Iranian researchers have developed computer models that are commonly used to develop an atomic bomb fuse…

Why the two faced world we live in?

After reading the report linked above in the article it is obvious that it is a propaganda tool used by the West against Iran…

It seems strange that Israel is not a member of the NPT but Iran has signed. Iran signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1968. Iran has asked many times why does Israel a known Nuclear Power ignore the NPT? It seems to me that the more that Iran tries to do what is right the less respect they get and when you compare to Israel and the constant threats of attack all year long by Israel against Iran, you start to wonder who is the country that has a screw loose…

Iran would be better off doing what Israel did and ignore the NPT. Because Israel ignores it and no one cares…

Also why does Israel get to threaten Iran with bombing and the West just says “Oh – That is nice!” But let Iran threaten Israel and the Western press goes crazy and will even interpret the translation wrong on purpose to exasperate the situation…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

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